
At present, only the installation method of conda is provided

The cuda operator compilation in mmcv depends on the cuda installed by the host, so the installation is slightly different under different cuda versions. The following provides examples of ubuntu18.04+cuda10.2 and ubuntu20.04+cuda11.3

ubuntu18.04 cuda10.2

# To be added

ubuntu20.04 cuda11.3

export CONDA_ENV_NAME=mmdet && \
export PYTHON_VERSION=3.8 && \
export CUDA_VERSION=11.3 && \
export MMCV_VERSION=1.6.0 && \
export MMCV_CUDA_VERSION=113 && \
export TORCH_VERSION=1.12.0 && \
conda create -n $CONDA_ENV_NAME python=$PYTHON_VERSION -y && \
conda activate $CONDA_ENV_NAME && \
conda install pytorch=$TORCH_VERSION torchvision torchaudio cudatoolkit=$CUDA_VERSION -c pytorch -y && \
pip install openmim && \
mim install mmcv-full==$MMCV_VERSION && \
cd $MMLAB_EXTENSION_PATH/mmdetection && \
pip install -e . && \
cd $MMLAB_EXTENSION_PATH/mmdetection_extension && \
pip install -e .